Victory Day09.05.2015

 Victory Parade will be held at 10:00. Equipment will be held on the Nevsky Prospect.

The movement of vehicles in St. Petersburg will be changed on Saturday, May 9, because of the celebration of the Victory Day over Fascism.
From 07.00 am to 1.00 pm streets in the city will be blocked.
In the night from 9 to 10 May Metro will operate round the clock in St. Petersburg.
May 9 in St. Petersburg people will see fireworks at 10.00 pm. In honor of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 30 shots of artillery salutes will be given
Traditionally, fireworks in St. Petersburg on May 9 will be performed by the Division Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy on beach of Peter and Paul Fortress.
Each shot, released into the sky, has its own special consecration. For example, the first and last shots of the fireworks are devoted to the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, the second shot will be given in honor of the living veterans of the war, the fifth - in honor of the defenders of the besieged Leningrad and so on.
Prepayment for the tour