Petersburgers celebrated day of smelt fish.16.05.2016

From May 14 to May 15, the feast of smelt was conducted in "Lenexpo". It is considered one of the symbols of St. Petersburg. Two consecutive days, residents of the northern capital pampered themselvs with "cucumber" fish in any way - boiled, pickled, cured, dried, and, of course, fried. To prepare the smelt, more than 50 barbecues were installed and 8 tons of fish were brought on Vasilyevsky Island. Cookes of St. Petersburg restaurants prepared dishes of smelt according to signature recipes. The festival was opened on Saturday, at noon, with the bright performance of musicians, artists and the dashing motorcycle. The culmination of the celebration was the preparation and tasting of "general's soup." Tours of St. Petersburg - Russia with j-travel-spb.
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